Windows 10
Studio Manager
Some folders for VST3 plugins are being viewed as plugins, for whatever reason. I'm not sure if plugins are being moved from the VST3 root into Steinberg's nutty folder convention by vendor update installers or if there is something in your scanner's code that sometimes gets confused.
For example, SuperVHS by Baby Audio. There are two versions of the VST3 in my plugin list even though only one is installed. I took a look at the "KVR Studio Manager.settings" file to see what's going on and I can find two entries.
The first one is a folder, not a file. By the way, it would be nice to have a way to right-click on an entry and have a "show info" window to see details. Maybe even a full or partial validator via Tracktion's pluginval.
Studio Manager
Some folders for VST3 plugins are being viewed as plugins, for whatever reason. I'm not sure if plugins are being moved from the VST3 root into Steinberg's nutty folder convention by vendor update installers or if there is something in your scanner's code that sometimes gets confused.
For example, SuperVHS by Baby Audio. There are two versions of the VST3 in my plugin list even though only one is installed. I took a look at the "KVR Studio Manager.settings" file to see what's going on and I can find two entries.
<PluginInformation lastSyncedTime="20240612T172502.025-0700"> <PluginDescription name="Super VHS" format="VST3" category="Fx" manufacturer="BABY Audio" version="1.1.2" file="C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\SuperVHS.vst3" uniqueId="a1653cc1" isInstrument="0" fileTime="180aeea5b20" infoUpdateTime="18dfc46f13e" numInputs="0" numOutputs="0" isShell="0" hasARAExtension="0" uid="7b486a9d"/> <PdbEntry kvrUid="696e88a17798fe8be8155d70b0ebd296918702bccec732a150659e676886a0dd" brand="BABY Audio" kvrName="Super VHS" filename="SuperVHS.vst3" localVersion="1.1.2" checkedVersion="1.1.2" pdbVersion="1.3.0" pdbPath="super-vhs-by-baby-audio" pdbDevId="3877" url="" pdbStatus="pdbNewer" statusInfo=""/> <options excludedFromSync="0" hidden="0"/> </PluginInformation>
<PluginInformation lastSyncedTime="20240612T172502.025-0700"> <PluginDescription name="SuperVHS" format="VST3" category="Fx" manufacturer="BABY Audio" version="1.3" file="C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3\SuperVHS.vst3\Contents\x86_64-win\SuperVHS.vst3" uniqueId="a6366666" isInstrument="0" fileTime="18b20b41250" infoUpdateTime="18fd56a641d" numInputs="0" numOutputs="0" isShell="0" hasARAExtension="0" uid="11f2da23"/> <PdbEntry kvrUid="61c2763021d278f840ca03b668cca674f21bb7e487a0ab82d33caf4b0113138d" brand="BABY Audio" kvrName="SuperVHS" filename="SuperVHS.vst3" localVersion="1.3" checkedVersion="1.3" pdbVersion="1.3.0" pdbPath="super-vhs-by-baby-audio" pdbDevId="3877" url="" pdbStatus="upToDate" statusInfo=""/> <options excludedFromSync="0" hidden="0"/> </PluginInformation>
Statistics: Posted by pough — Thu Jun 13, 2024 4:52 am — Replies 0 — Views 23