I’ve got a new M4 Pro MacBook Pro 14“ (12 cores, 24GB, 1TB; MacOS 15.1.1) a few days ago. It’s a nice upgrade from my M1 MacBook Pro 13“, but unfortunately, it crashes a lot. I’ve had at least 5 kernel panics in the last couple of days, and additionally it told me it wasn’t shut down correctly after 2 or 3 normal reboots. That’s more crashes than I’ve had in the last decade or so.
The tools I’ve played around with so far: Live 12, lots of m4l devices (mostly by Fors), NI (Reaktor, Massive X, FX), Arturia (FX, Pigments) and a few smaller tools like IK-M‘s clipper or PSP Vintage Warmer.
Installed and potentially running in the background, presumably mostly copy protection stuff: NI, Arturia, iLok, Elektron Overbridge, Steinberg, Softube, Plugin Alliance, Universal Audio, Waves.
Yes, I’m aware that not everything is officially supported yet, but that’s life as an early adopter, I guess. I haven’t connected any external gear like Push or a display yet, it’s all standalone.
I haven’t kept detailed tabs from the start, but the crashes happened only when working in Live and trying to load a plugin. The machine freezes for a few seconds and then reboots. It might be a coincidence, but it seems to happen with NI software in particular. The machine crashed at least twice while trying to load Reaktor and once with Freak.
Apparently, I’m not alone. There are numerous reports of crashes with these new machines, mostly gaming/Metal related. It seems to affect M4 Pro or M4 Max devices.
Now I’m curious to hear any audio related experiences. Any other early M4 adopters here willing to share how it’s going so far? I’d like to avoid reinstalling the OS from scratch or sending back the machine altogether. Thanks.
The tools I’ve played around with so far: Live 12, lots of m4l devices (mostly by Fors), NI (Reaktor, Massive X, FX), Arturia (FX, Pigments) and a few smaller tools like IK-M‘s clipper or PSP Vintage Warmer.
Installed and potentially running in the background, presumably mostly copy protection stuff: NI, Arturia, iLok, Elektron Overbridge, Steinberg, Softube, Plugin Alliance, Universal Audio, Waves.
Yes, I’m aware that not everything is officially supported yet, but that’s life as an early adopter, I guess. I haven’t connected any external gear like Push or a display yet, it’s all standalone.
I haven’t kept detailed tabs from the start, but the crashes happened only when working in Live and trying to load a plugin. The machine freezes for a few seconds and then reboots. It might be a coincidence, but it seems to happen with NI software in particular. The machine crashed at least twice while trying to load Reaktor and once with Freak.
Apparently, I’m not alone. There are numerous reports of crashes with these new machines, mostly gaming/Metal related. It seems to affect M4 Pro or M4 Max devices.
Now I’m curious to hear any audio related experiences. Any other early M4 adopters here willing to share how it’s going so far? I’d like to avoid reinstalling the OS from scratch or sending back the machine altogether. Thanks.
Statistics: Posted by nanostream — Sat Nov 30, 2024 1:34 pm — Replies 0 — Views 9