My set up is two tracks in my DAW. Track 1 has Shreddage Jupiter with Guitar 1 selected. Track 2 has Shreddage Jupiter with Guitar 2 selected. Both instances have the same MIDI triggering them. Tracks are panned left and right. All other settings in the two Shreddage instances are identical.
When I play power chords, everything is fine and it definitely sounds like it's coming from two different sample pools. But in this particular riff, I incorporate octaves - and when the octaves play, the two instances of Shreddage are definitely playing the same samples - you can hear the mono phasing effect happen.
Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to adjust other settings in one of the Shreddage instances to force different samples?
When I play power chords, everything is fine and it definitely sounds like it's coming from two different sample pools. But in this particular riff, I incorporate octaves - and when the octaves play, the two instances of Shreddage are definitely playing the same samples - you can hear the mono phasing effect happen.
Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to adjust other settings in one of the Shreddage instances to force different samples?
Statistics: Posted by stpete111 — Fri Dec 06, 2024 2:23 pm — Replies 0 — Views 11