Hello community,
I am a recent waveform free user and I am thinking of branching out into using the clip launching view experimentally. I know that clip launcher is a feature of other DAWs like Ableton. I haven't used them before so I wouldn't know how any daw really does it but since it is a new feature to waveform I'm curious to hear from those who have tried it, what they think of it, and how it compares to others such as Ableton
Thanks in advance
I am a recent waveform free user and I am thinking of branching out into using the clip launching view experimentally. I know that clip launcher is a feature of other DAWs like Ableton. I haven't used them before so I wouldn't know how any daw really does it but since it is a new feature to waveform I'm curious to hear from those who have tried it, what they think of it, and how it compares to others such as Ableton
Thanks in advance
Statistics: Posted by TruePrism — Sat Dec 07, 2024 8:46 pm — Replies 0 — Views 51