Bitwig has a nifty Voice Stacking feature, which according to Bitwig's manual requires plugins to support CLAP Voice Stacking ("CLAP plug-ins can support voice stacking", it says, "check with any plug-in manufacturer for details").
Not implying Uhe is just "any plug-in manufacturer"
but Uhe plugins are my go-to.
Unless I'm mistaken Bitwig's VS does not work with Diva, Hive, Zebra, Repro or Filterscape VA.
If that is indeed the case, please consider adding CLAP Voice Stacking support.
Thanks for reading and have a nice day.
Not implying Uhe is just "any plug-in manufacturer"

Unless I'm mistaken Bitwig's VS does not work with Diva, Hive, Zebra, Repro or Filterscape VA.
If that is indeed the case, please consider adding CLAP Voice Stacking support.
Thanks for reading and have a nice day.
Statistics: Posted by cptgone — Sun Dec 08, 2024 4:20 am — Replies 3 — Views 154