v1.5.0 update available (9 December, 2024).
v1.4.1 maintenance update available (16 January, 2023).
v1.4.0 update available (27 December, 2022).
v1.3.1 maintenance update available (18 April, 2022).
v1.3.0 update available.
v1.2.0 update available.
v1.1.1 maintenance update available.
v1.1.0 update available.
v1.09 maintenance update available.
v1.08 maintenance update available.
v1.07 maintenance update available.
v1.06 maintenance update available.
v1.05 is now signed and notarized for macOS 10.15. (Re-uploaded on March 8, 2020)
v1.05 maintenance update available.
v1.04 maintenance update available.
v1.03 maintenance update available.
v1.02 maintenance update available.
v1.01 maintenance update available.
- Windows ARM64 native executable is installed on ARM architecture
- Update checking works again
- Refreshed user interface
- Fixed the ordering link because of the new payment provider
- Fixed: preset saving issue where incomplete presets were occasionally saved due to memory handling problems
- Fixed: amplitude display issue where zoom levels were incorrect when dragging the timeline
- Other bug fixes
v1.4.1 maintenance update available (16 January, 2023).
- The current tuning settings can be saved and loaded (not just embedded in presets)
- 'Render driver' setting added in the preferences
- UI element and module sizes optimized on retina displays
- Fixed a bug that prohibited the macro parameters appearing in the "Add Automation" menu
- A crashing bug was fixed when closing the editor window
- User guide updated
v1.4.0 update available (27 December, 2022).
- The UI engine was replaced. As a result retina screens are also supported on macOS.
- Noise Editor module added for drawing noise frequency envelopes. Enable it in the settings (Experimental features).
- Improved installer: the demo version can be unlocked. There are no separate demo and unlocked versions/installers.
v1.3.1 maintenance update available (18 April, 2022).
- [macOS] Due to a build issue the plug-ins were built for Intel only. This update offers Apple M1 support in the VST/VST3/AU plug-ins too
v1.3.0 update available.
- [macOS] Apple M1 is natively supported
- New UI engine in the standalone version with hardware acceleration and retina support
- UI optimized for retina/high DPI displays, vector graphics is used everywhere
- Additional bigger font size options added
- Fixed a bug when opening preset mutation options
- Fixed a bug when removing a module
v1.2.0 update available.
- FM Module added
- Offline rendering works well
- Fix 'custom' envelope in 'time' mode
- Fixed: envelope parameters were not recalculated when a note was retriggered before the previous note has ended
- Fixed noisy audio when using 'Detune' after 'Duplicate Partials'
- User guide updated
v1.1.1 maintenance update available.
- Fixed MPE which stopped working in v1.1
- The current tuning is used for calculating note frequencies when MPE is used
v1.1.0 update available.
- Microtuning support: Scala (.SCL) and AnaMark (.TUN) files can be imported
- Note tunings can be edited under Settings / Tuning
- The tuning presets are stored in an editable text file
- 'Increase Slider Precision' setting added
- The detached editor windows are resizable
- Minor UI improvements
- Fixed: rare hanging notes and other bug fixes
- User guide updated
v1.09 maintenance update available.
- "Select Partials Below Threshold" added in Partial Editor
- PCM analysis is much faster
- PWM algorithm fixed
- Fixed instant preview in Partial Editor
- Fixed legato mode
v1.08 maintenance update available.
- New setting: "Make Detached Editors Always On Top"
- When adding a modulator to any parameter in decibels, the maximum value will be limited to 0 dB by default to avoid high volume levels
- Fixed: Decay sometimes made a preset silent (e.g. when having a Ring Modulator in front)
- Fixed: Ring Modulator always reset the saved value
- Fixed: the plug-in not following the host tempo changes during playback
v1.07 maintenance update available.
- Fixed: Note On with zero velocity was not handled as a Note Off, which resulted hanging notes
- Fixed: when adding Noise, slider displayed frequency instead of the default harmonics
- Fixed: Waveforms and Wave Morpher left 'Fifths' and 'Fifths Damping' values untouched when generating a random waveform
- Fixed possible crash when closing the plug-in window
- [Windows] Fixed: mouse disappeared after value editing in detached windows
- Stability improvements
v1.06 maintenance update available.
- MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) support added
- Fixed a module connection issue
- User guide updated
v1.05 is now signed and notarized for macOS 10.15. (Re-uploaded on March 8, 2020)
v1.05 maintenance update available.
- Noise module fixed in Harmonics mode
- Ring Modulator and Inharmonicity fixed
- Hanging issues fixed when using multiple ADSRs and in another scenario
- Optimizations
v1.04 maintenance update available.
- Better error handling for branches without partial source module, which caused hanging during playback
- Fixed a crashing issue for Partial Viewer
- Stability improvements, bug fixes
v1.03 maintenance update available.
- Fixed: host parameters were not offered after loading a preset
- Fixed a bug with sub-menus not appearing
v1.02 maintenance update available.
- Macro parameters exported, so you can assign these parameters to any controls (named Macro 1-10) and automate them in the plug-in host
- New presets added
- 'Bounce Once' option added to 'Passing Time' repetition
- Single cycle audio files can be imported
- Fixed a bug with restoring VST3 plug-in state
v1.01 maintenance update available.
- [macOS] Fixed macOS installer which installed ~/Documents/Syne as 'root' user so the program was not able to save its settings
- [macOS] cut/copy/paste works in the text editor
- Fixed: the "demo expired" dialog was displayed more than once
- Minor fixes and stability improvements
Statistics: Posted by musicdevelopments — Mon Dec 09, 2024 10:20 am — Replies 0 — Views 30